Quality Policy
Isegoria Capital, S.A. is aware of the importance of Quality concerning the management of its activities and, for that, commits to implement and maintain a Quality Management System in accordance with the standard requirements NP EN ISO 9001/2015, and to continuously improve all the company procedures.
In its mission to improve LEILOSOC®’s Worldwide Brand competitivity and notoriety through structural investment potentization and the company’s internationalization, sets the following goals:
Costumers and Stakeholders satisfaction, adjusting the organization activities to their demands and expectations;
The establishment of solid relationships with the national business community, directly supporting costumers through an effective personal consulting service that is personalized and adapted to their needs;
The credibility of its performance and the trust placed in it by its customers, through the application of a system of procedures, orientation towards customer needs and concern for business management quality, which are the basis of the standards' scope, prerequisites for an organization to carry out continuous improvement;
Measure, evaluate and improve performance in the various domains of its activity;
Promote the valorization of its Code of Conduct applicable to all the Company’s employees, Social Entities and entities that due to their interaction with Isegoria Capital are subject to the regime of the cited Code;
Development of a culture and awareness to the quality of the collaborators (internal and external) of the Company;
Develop effective internal and external communication mechanisms;
Establishment of monitorization mechanisms and continuous improvement of its activities;
The periodic external evaluation of the Company, in accordance with the European standards.
Quality Policy Principles
Obtaining recognition as a reference within the sector, providing services and organizing high-quality auctions, achieving the satisfaction of all interested parties.
Try to understand, register, and anticipate the needs of the stakeholders in each procedure, guiding their work to exceed expectations, making this the hallmark of the company's action.
Promote the constant valorization of its collaborators, encouraging their creativity and recognizing their merit.
Guarantee quality services and the development of efforts to permanently adapt our action to the needs of the market and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Continuous improvement of efficiency of the Quality Management System.
The Administration undertakes to ensure for the fulfillment of the established Quality Policy, and for its periodic update according to the evolution of what the Company needs and its external environment.
The present Quality Policy is transmitted to all the Company’s collaborators, and it’s publicized in the Company’s website.