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Informações relevantes sobre o setor leiloeiro, os nossos leilões e esclarecimentos mais aprofundados sobre imobiliário e múltiplos mercados.
Uma curadoria atualizada sobre o que acontece na sua área de atividade, em imobiliário, tecnologia, construção e muitas outras indústrias.
IMT – Property Transfer Tax
The IMT (Property Transfer Tax) is a tax paid to the State whenever a real estate transaction takes place within national territory. It is the most important tax to consider when purchasing a home, as it is the most expensive and must be paid on the date of the public deed. The amount of this […]
Urban Rehabilitation Order Book Grows by 1.4%
The AICCOPN barometer shows a stabilization in the activity level of companies but highlights positive signs regarding the order book and contracted production. In November, the activity level of companies operating in the urban rehabilitation sector remained stable compared to the previous month, but the order book and contracted production recorded increases compared to the same month of the previous year.
Sales in shopping centers hit record highs in 2024
2024 was a record-breaking year for sales in shopping center stores in Portugal. According to the analysis, revenue increased by 7% compared to 2023, exceeded 14% compared to 2022, and grew by 31% compared to 2019 (pre-pandemic period).
EDP Supports Renewable Energy Projects in Mozambique and Four Other African Countries
EDP announced today the funding of nine renewable energy projects in Mozambique and four other African countries, totaling €1 million, as part of the 6th edition of the A2E (Access to Energy) Fund.